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1、人的一生全靠奋斗,唯有奋斗才能成功。 A man's life is a struggle, only a struggle to succeed. 2、不是一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 Not a cold, how a ...努力奋斗的英文美句 1 1、If you cant, you must; if you want, you can. 2、Who takes learning as the first today will surely be the first in the future!...

努力奋斗的英文句子【三篇】【导语】年轻不是你玩的理由,⽽是你奋⽃的资本。下⾯是整理发布的“努⼒奋⽃的英⽂句⼦【三篇】”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!  【篇...激励人努力奋斗的英文句子1 1、Genius only means hard-working all ones life. 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。 2、One today is worth two tomorrows. 一个今天胜似两个明天...

?^? 努力的句子英文 1 1、空谈不如实干。踱步何不向前行。 Talk less than work. Why don't you go to. 2、记住,别松懈,别指望,别依靠,一个人给我站稳了! Remember, don't let up, don'...关于努力奋斗的英文句子 实用120句 1. 自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。 2. To be a marvelous man in the world, you have to travel thousands of miles. 3...

(`▽′) 唯美英文句子:与其不断伤害自己,不如忍痛放手。那些离开的人,给我们上了一课,使我们变得更加坚强! 1、A smile is the most charming part of a person forever. 微笑永远是一个人身...1 关于努力工作的名言 “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”— Tim Notke, basketball coach “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that f...

努力奋斗的英文美句 1 1、Success seems to be when others give up, you can persist. 2、当你用钱赚回面子的时候,说明你已经成功了。 3、Ugly women like st...鼓励人努力奋斗的句子英文 Life is like a cup of tea, boiling water can make it strong, and failure can make it sweeter. Life is full of ups and downs. Everyone will encou...