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∩^∩ 以下是关于介绍苏炳添中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。 高分英语作文1:Intduce Su Bingtian WTO a Welcome to Heyuan, ladies and gentlemen. Now l...在英语句子中表上午am首字母大写吗 在英语句子中表上午am首字母既可以大写也可以小写:上午 a.m.=am=AMa.m.: ante meridiemp.m.: post meridiemp.m.是指下午 p.m.=pm=PM

中国骄傲苏炳添!---学习相关的英语句子 Su Bingtian set a new Asian record in the men's 100-meter dash with a time of 9.83 seconds at the Tokyo Olympics. 讲解: 在东京奥运...苏炳添英语作文 篇1 Now, with the improvement of womens social status, more and more women have their own careers. Housework is not the only thing for women. This ...

站上起跑器,埋下头,枪响,只见苏炳添如同旋风般向前冲去。一瞬间,他那快速移动的身体便腾空而起,衬着红色跑道,酷似一头雄狮,手臂不断摆动,疾如流星,只留下一道残影。100米似乎对他特...用英语介绍运动员苏炳添如下:原文:Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian made history on Sunday by becoming the first Asian athlete to appear in the men's 100m fin...

+0+ 用英语介绍运动员苏炳添如下: 原文: Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian made history on Sunday by becoming the first Asian athlete to appear in the men's 100m final at the world athletics ...Para 2: 对喜讯的积极评价(夸奖)。 Para 3: 再次表达祝贺以及对未来的美好祝愿。 常用句式: 1. I am writing this letter for the purposeof congratulating yo...