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o(╯□╰)o 虎年的在英文中的表达是:The year of Tiger。 今天我们分享一些和老虎相关的俚语,快点学起来哦! 01 1. have a tiger by the tail—骑虎难下 该短语系指“牵涉到某项重大的行动中,处...短语: 1、像老虎一样吼 Roar like a tiger 2、他是一只坏老虎 He is a bad tiger 3、我想画一只老虎 I want to draw a tiger 4、老虎是一种危险的动物 The tig...

据说虎年出生的人很勇敢。 I was born inthe Year of the Ox. 我在牛年出生。 Happy New Year of the Tiger! 虎年快乐! Tyger or tiger tyger这个拼写跟现代的这个标准拼写不太一样,...所以“虎年”的英文表达为:Year of the Tiger. 那“属虎”怎么说? I was born in/under the Year of the Tiger. 我属虎。 Since My Chinese zodiac/animal sign is Tiger, this is ...

╯^╰ 1.有关老虎的英文谚语 1、There are tigers in the mountains and strong men everywhere. 山山有老虎,处处有强人。 2、Catching dragons is to go to sea and ...所以“虎年”的英文表达为:Year of the Tiger. “属虎”英文怎么说? HAPPY NEW YEAR I was born in/under the Year of the Tiger. 我属虎。 Since My Chinese z...

“虎年快乐”英语怎么说?Happy Year of the Tiger 虎年快乐 “虎年”不能说 tiger year,“猪年”也不能说 pig year,今年是哪一年有固定的表达方式,要用 “Year of the + 动物”...可以,虎年快乐的英文是Happy Year of the tiger,加上Chinese,就是Happy Chinese Year of the tiger. 274 评论 2小时前发布 大哈哈a呦呦 鼠:mouse牛:cattle虎...