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小晖有些委屈,他说,刚放寒假的前几天确实赶了几天作业,因为知道要去三亚过春节,特别兴奋,而妈妈也总催着问作业写完没有,可是语文、数学、英语和物理四门课,每科都留了好几张卷子,...(1)suggest 建议 I suggest bringing the meeting to an end. I suggested that we(should) have lunch now. (2)suggest 暗示 The white look on his face sug...

ˋ﹏ˊ 53.我们相约周末去植物园看花展.(appointment) We have made an appointment to see the flower show in the botanical garden this weekend. This building has special entrance, allowing disa...画一个思维导图,越复杂越好,或者列一个书单,越长越好。然后无外乎底下推荐个培训课程。

╯﹏╰ (一)训练内容建议活动 【程度一目标:运用三词句子】 1.图乐无穷(运用人物名称、动作名称及物品名称组成的三词句子) 准备数张人物动作照片和完成篮。成人向儿童出示一张人物动作照片...北京植物园初中英语作文 Beijing botanical garden, which lies at the foot of the west hill of beijing, is presently the largest botanical garden in north china. it was bu...

植物园英语怎么说 That depends.那要看情况。 A:What do you do at weekend?你周末干什么? B : That depends. Maybe I will go to the Botanical Garden.那要看情况。可能会去植物...Going to a Botanical Garden 植物园一游 Key Sentences(重点句子) 1.They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring. 它们看上去就像去...

●ω● 1、樱花校园模拟器ufo2怎么打,有趣的修辞句子? △这条公路很长很长,就像一条长长的飘带一直伸向天边。 △月亮默默的从江心升起来了,圆圆的、亮晶晶的,好像一个...botanical garden n. 植物园 cute a. 漂亮的,逗人喜欢的;聪明的,伶俐的 innocent a. 天真的,单纯的;清白的;无罪的 carefree a. 无忧无虑的 sentimental a. 易动...