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ˋ△ˊ 唯美英文爱情短句 1、I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was. 我总是害怕,有一天...You are a fire, burning warm and shining on my life. I am willing to devote myself to you and integrate my body and mind into your heart.你是我第一眼看到的喜悦,你是我...

≥^≤ 怨恨是容易; 爱采取勇气 相关内容 aHow do you like our English literature professor 你认为我们的英国文学教授怎么样[translate] aoving L you . . oving的L您。 .[transl...When you reach middle age and have a family, life suddenly enters another stage 这样的爱需要勇气,需要两个人把对方看作是终身的伙伴。Such love requires courage and two p...

aI love the that girl, can you continue to single three years, give me three years of time, I would to change themselves, ok? 我爱那个女孩,能您是否继续选拔三年,给...英文爱情励志格言50句 1. Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. 2. In the end, we only regret the chances we...

6、爱需要勇气,我们要永远在一起。Love needs courage. We need to be together forever.7、我也想做一个优雅的淑女,是生活把老娘逼成了泼妇。I also want to be...6、爱需要勇气,我们要永远在一起。 Love needs courage. We need to be together forever. 7、我也想做一个优雅的淑女,是生活把老娘逼成了泼妇。 I also want ...